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Prepare well to ace the exam on your first try

I used CPJE Secrets as my 1ary study guide. I made many flashcards and also looked up some of the uncommon medications. I felt well-prepared after taking the exam and passed on my first try!

J. Schrader 5/1/2023

I’ve been a pharmacist for 13 years well removed from all this material. All I studied was your packet. I resolved I would take the test and fail it just as a practice. However, I passed! Your resource is a great source! Thank you Esther!

Arvind 9/6/2023

I’m genuinely impressed by how well summarized yet complete your book is. Thank you for making such a great resource.

Roberto L. 2/3/22

Hi Esther,

I just wanted to let you know I relied on your documents, CPJE secrets and Brand/Generic, and thought the exam went better than expected and passed it! I did a pgy1 so hadn’t used my Naplex book in a year, so I could not have done this without you.

S.S. 8/22/2023

Looking over the material and it looks amazing… better than anything I could ever put together. Much appreciated!!

James 4/10/20

Thank you so much! Especially for making it so affordable, I have endless school loans that added so much stress. I will let any incoming grads to get your material as best I can, your documents are amazing and if there’s anything else I can do to help your business I’m happy to!! 

Sana 8/21/2023

I want to thank you for developing a fantastic tool for the CPJE! Your study guide truly provided the information needed to pass the exam…it’s all I needed to review for 30 days, and I passed!!

Veronica 11/13/20

It’s hard to find reliable resources to study for these board exams because there are a lot of scams out there. Using CPJE Secrets, I passed with an incredible 92 on my first try.

Anonymous 4/30/2023